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MRR Journal


Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews, 2024;2(2):01-18

Training of Farmers in Lower Anambra Irrigation Project (LAIP) on the Use of Modern Farm Facilities and Rice Production in Ayamelum LGA

Author : Okonkwo, Clement Nwafor


One of the mandates of LAIP, sited in Ayamelum LGA of Anambra state is training of the farmers on how to use modern farm facilities for production of rice. Therefore, the paper examined the nexus between training of the farmers in Ayamelum on the use of modern farm facilities and production of rice in the community under investigation. The study however, is guided by the research question: has training of the farmers on the use of modern farm facilities impacted on production of rice in Ayamelum LGA in Anambra state? The paper utilized primary data which were gathered through questionnaire and interview. The collected data were correspondingly analyzed through the usage of charts, tables as well as Content Analysis. The study adopted modernization theory as a theoretical model, which maintained among others that the cause of underdevelopment in the third world countries was their inability to embrace the new ideas by following the developmental steps of the western world. The study found that the training of the farmers did not impact on rice production in Ayamelum LGA because it was not consistently carried out by the government and on the other hand, the farmer’s participation was not encouraging. Hence, we suggested that the government should consistently bring in innovations to the farmers through training and retraining of the farmers on the technological knowhow. Secondly, the farmers should participate fully in the training exercise so as to improve production of rice in Ayamelum Local Government Area in Anambra state.


Development, Farm Facilities, Modernization, Training of Farmers, Rice Production