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MRR Journal


Indian Journal of Modern Research and Reviews, 2024;2(4):07-09

The Relationship of Motor Response Speed With Some Skills In Female Futsal Players

Author : Dr. Raghad Ismail Khalil


The research includes an introduction and its importance, and the problem of the research through providing the learner with verbal stimuli to develop the accuracy and speed of her motor response associated with the physical skill learning of some futsal skills, and through using specific tests for this skill and measuring the extent of unexpected motor responses similar to real-game situations and basic skills. The accuracy and speed of motor response are common phenomena in teaching motor skills, which is measured through accuracy and speed or both alternately. When training for accuracy, we stop training for speed because it will lose accuracy in performance that requires slowness, control, and regulation, and vice versa when training for speed, we stop training for accuracy. This phenomenon is referred to as the exchange of training between speed and accuracy.


  1. Female futsal players from the research sample are characterized by fast motor response.
  2. There is a relationship between motor response speed and the skill of scoring.
  3. There was no correlation between motor response speed and rolling.


Motor response speed, Female futsal players